- Qualification according to the article 4 paragraph 2, of the law 05/03/90
n.46, for the installation, transformation, enlargement and the maintenance of
the following plants:
- Plants of production, transport, piping and use of electric energy in buildings
from the point of delivery of the energy supplied by the distributive system.
- Radio and television plants and electronic plants in general, antenna and
plants for the protection against atmospheric discharges.
- Air conditioning and heating systems run by fluid, aeriform, gaseus liquids
and of any other kind.
- Waterworks as well as plants for the transport, treatment, use, accumulation
and consumption of water in buildings from the point of delivery of water
supplied by the distributive system.
- Plants for the transport and use of gas in solid or aeriform state in buildings
from the point of delivery of gaseus fuel supplied by the distributive system.
- Plants for the lifting of people and things by means of lifts, hoists, escalators
and such.
- Plants for fireproof protection.
- Registration to the NATIONAL REGISTER OF FIRMS for the services of waste
disposal, according to the Deparmental Order 324/91, for the following categories:
Category 4: collection and transport of special and not hazardous waste
produced by third parties - class f) overall annual quantity treated inferior
to 3.000 tons;
Category 5: collection and transport of hazardous waste - class f) overall
annual quantity treated inferior to 3.000 tons;
Califel Ltd All rights reserved.